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Stonehill School

Growing Lifelong Learners

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Growing Lifelong Learners

(Who are we?) List of Governing Board Members and Governing Board Diversity Data

Here is a list of the full Governing Board.  It shows the route by which each person was appointed as a Governor (the Type of Governor), their period of office and the particular links and responsibilities held by each. 


The Chair of Governors is:  John Millar

The Vice Chair of Governors is: Claire Sheff


Members of the Governing Board can be contacted through the School Office.

 NameType of Governor In office until Linked Responsibilities
 Alex Yates Clerk to the Governors     
 Jenna Hearson      Associate Governor  Policies
 Elaine Close HeadteacherEx Officio 
 Sarah Longcroft  Parent Governor10/02/2027

 Health & Safety,

 History and Geography (shadow),

 Art/DT/Music, Science (shadow)

 Jeni McCarthy Parent Governor4/11/2025

 Early Years, French

 History & Geography,


 John Millar Co-Opted Governor19/09/2026

 Chair of Governors

 Health and Safety, Finance,

 HTPM, PE, Personnel,

 Pay & Performance, PPG,

 Computing, GDPR

 Steven Musk Co-Opted Governor12/7/2027

 Health & Safety, Sports Premium,

 Parental Engagement, Maths, PE

 Nick Phillips Associate Governor 21/9/2025 Policies
 Grace Read Co-Opted Governor07/12/2025

 PHSE & RE, Wellbeing & Mental Health,

 School Council, English

 Chris Seviour Local Authority21/09/2025

 HTPM, Pay & Performance,

 Website Compliance,

 Claire Sheff Parent Governor10/7/2028

 Vice Chair of Governors 

 Inclusion (SEND & PPG), Policies,

 Safeguarding, Science, Pupil Premium,

 Attendance, Pay & Performance, Equality and Diversity

 Laura Webster Staff Governor30/04/2025

 Maths, Governor Development,

 Enrichment, Website Compliance

All members of the Board share the responsibility for "Pupil Voice" ... listening to the views of the school's pupils.  For issues relating to Pupil Discipline, Staff Dismissal Appeal, Staff Grievance, Complaints, Appeals etc the Chair will draw members as required and as appropriate from the pool of governors. 

Governing Board Diversity Data

The governors believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.


The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender, and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.


Due to our relatively small governing board, we will not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data
