Year 6
Hello and welcome to Year 6. This year is an exciting year and of course your child's final year of primary school. If you have any questions and need to contact me about anything, please do so via my email:
Our Changing World - Geography
This essential skills and knowledge project revises the features of Earth, time zones and lines of latitude and longitude to pinpoint places on a map. Children find out more about map scales, grid references, contour lines and map symbols. They learn about climate change and the importance of global trade. Children analyse data and carry out fieldwork to find out about local road safety. They study patterns of human settlements and carry out an enquiry to describe local settlement patterns.
Tints, tones and shades - Art
This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and exploring mixing tints, shades and tones. They learn about significant landscape artworks and features of landscapes before using this knowledge to create landscape paintings.
Maafa - History
This project teaches children about Africa past and present and the development of the slave trade. It also explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.
Evolution and Inheritance - Science
This project teaches children how living things on Earth have changed over time and how fossils provide evidence for this. They learn how characteristics are passed from parents to their offspring and how variation in offspring can affect their survival, with changes (adaptations) possibly leading to the evolution of a species.
Light Theory - Science
This project teaches children about the way that light behaves, travelling in straight lines from a source or reflector, into the eye. They explore how we see light and colours, and phenomena associated with light, including shadows, reflections and refraction.
Trailblazers, Barrier Breakers - Art
This project teaches children about significant black artists and their work, and provides opportunities to analyse and create artwork inspired by them.
Food For Life - Design and Technology
This project teaches children about processed food and healthy food choices. They make bread and pasta sauces and learn about the benefits of whole foods. They plan and make meals as part of a healthy daily menu, and evaluate their completed products.
Frozen Kingdoms - Geography
This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.
Electrical Circuits and Components - Science
This project teaches children about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices.
Engineer - Design and Technology
This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.
Inuit - Art and Design
This project teaches children about the Inuit way of life, including some of their cultural and artistic traditions.
Summer Term
Britain At War - History
This project teaches children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.
Circulatory System - Science
This project teaches children about the transport role of the human circulatory system, its main parts and primary functions. They learn about healthy lifestyle choices and the effects of harmful substances on the body
Bees, Beetles and Butterflies - Art and Design
This project teaches children about sketchbooks, observational drawing, mixed media collage and Pop Art. They consolidate their learning to make a final piece of artwork inspired by bees, beetles or butterflies
Make do and Mend - Design and Technology
This project teaches children a range of simple sewing stitches, including ways of recycling and repurposing old clothes and materials.
SATs Week: Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May 2024
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